Someone put together this nice little video on Youtube illustrating some of the samples that Panda Bear used on the great Person Pitch. I was a little surprised to learn some of these... I always thought that Kraftwerk sample was actually an ice cream truck field recording that had been cut up. Anyways, this video doesn't quite hit all the samples, so I've included some more after the jump.
"Comfy in Nautica" samples Geinoh Yamashirogumi's "Tetsuo" from the Akira soundtrack (hear the "yaaahh" at 4:01 in Tetsuo):
"Bros" also samples The Equals' "Rub A Dub Dub" at 7:56. (BTW, how hilarious is that Slimer video?)
In addition to the Kraftwerk song, "Good Girl/Carrots" samples "Radio Calcutta #2" from the Sublime Frequencies release (that's the opening percussive sounds you hear, couldn't find a vid) and it also samples Lee 'Scratch' Perry's "Enter The Dragon". At 4:40 into GG/C, listen for the percussion that shows up at 1:11 in "Enter The Dragon". The wooden frog guiro sound gives it away if you can't hear it right away.
Then there's "Search for Delicious". Apparently this samples the Jane song "Berserker" (which was a Panda Bear and Scott Mou project)... and that track actually sampled The Everly Brothers' "Ebony Eyes" This sample is pretty mangled at this point, but if you listen closely you can hear some kind of resemblance. On a different note, the song title itself is taken from Natalie Babbitt's book, The Search For Delicious.
Also, on a non-musical note, the cover art was sampled from the August 1969 issue of National Geographic magazine with the following description: "Togetherness is a warm tub: Adults and children crowd a small public pool in Reykjavik to soak in natural hot water drawn from nearby springs."
nice facts awesome i never knew about any of this