Tuesday, June 7, 2011

We Shave - In The Flesh

Free download available from We Shave's website or Buy it from Night People.

This tape from Viva L'American Death Ray man Brendan L Spengler and the White Lady is all over the place, which makes it perfect for cassette release, in that it feels like a mix tape, but also ill-suited, because it doesn't flow that well. From the start the Memphis duo gives us an under the breath Velvet Underground inspired groove over some vintage Rhythm King analogue drum machine (absolutely no complaints here). Next up, a Faust cover which is nice to see and wisely shorter than the original. Then things start to get interesting... I mean, yes... we all know that Sgt. Chowder is a bitch... but why are we singing about it?
From the jetstream of the harmless floater "Me and My Arrow", comes "Stereo Duet for Electric Guitar", a nice textural ambient guitar piece, but it outstays it's welcome here wedged when between the shorter traditional pop structures. "No One Will Survive" contains some awkward phrasing that doesn't warrant repeat listens. However, after these puzzling choices, there lays hidden amongst the tossed off flights of genre excursions, an emerald. Peeking out from a newly opened garbage bag of thrift store cast-offs, "Creem Dreem Blues II" has the ramshackle charm that makes up for lulls preceding it. Even the out of tune vocal harmonies and sausage finger organ at the end can't wreck this ship. A synthesized Wagner cover is actually welcome after the Dreem and it feels like a sugary after-taste, lingering from that carton of Iced Creem that went down so smooth. The tape finishes off with exactly what you would expect from a Night People tape: a simple warbly little guitar and synth duet that nuzzles into a warm spot near your shoulder, inexplicably comforting.

Overall, an enjoyable tape from my favorite Iowa City label Night People, definitely not on par with his Viva L'American Death Ray Music material, but worth listening to with a finger on FF.

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